Sunday, May 8, 2011

Slaughterhouse Five

Slaughterhouse Five focuses on the human dignity and advancement of machinery in wars. The protagonist is Billy Pilgrim and the author depicts him as funny looking guy. Moreover, the whole novel is concentrated in Billy's life and adventures in different periods. The first part of the novel tells about the Billy's involvement in Battle of the Bulge in Belgium where he was taken as prisoner from German soldiers. He is transferred in city of Dresden specifically in one prisoner camp. There he finds English officers that were captured from the Germans. The author tries to specify the fact that machinery of Germans was more advanced in comparison with Allied Forces.  After that, the story goes in different direction. For instance, Billy is kidnapped by the aliens or so called Tralfamadorians. They take him at Tralfamadorian planet and mate him with actress Montana Wildhack. Another interesting part is when Billy survives in a plan crash by which he gets brain injuries and is operated in one hospital in Vermont.  In the end, Billy Pilgrim predicts that he will die after an huge bombing by Chinese. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut is writer and novelist born in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is considered as one of the most influential American writers of the twentieth century. The literature that he cultivated consists of both science fiction and humor. He created a unique model of writing in which he made novels with the unusual characters particularly the alien race called Tralfamadorians in Slaughterhouse-Five. Other remarkable works are Breakfast of Champions , Jailbird, and Deadeye Dick. Although he face many problems during his life, Vonnegut never leaved his unusual writing style which magnified the world literature. He devoted his life to the literature thus he became an icon of global literature. Vonnegut died on April 11, 2007, at the age of 84 as a result of a fall at his house in New York.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Unknown Citizen - W.H. Auden

The Unknown Citizen is a brilliant poem written by W.H.Auden. The concept of the poem is related with a political situation in which he emphasizes the representatives of political leaders of the state. In essence, the main idea of this poem is that it is dedicated to a citizen and the monument that the state representatives are erecting for him. This citizen is not special person or has special attitudes,however, the state decide to honor him because of being normal. In other words, it is symbolization of the strong commitment or servility to the state directives.

He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be
One against whom there was no official complaint,
And all the reports on his conduct agree
That, in the modern sense of an old-fashioned word, he was a
For in everything he did he served the Greater Community
That is, Auden use this as instrument to criticize the whole society of that time. Additionally, he makes appeal toward the society to raise awareness and to stop many irregularities of that time. The author illustrates the situation and hard times that labor experienced in that particular period.  In the end, Audin's real message was to show the difficulties of an average person in the his or her life.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Awakening- Part III

Conclusion of the novel comes up when the  Robert makes a difficult decision to break up the relationship with Edna. Particularly,Edna finds the note from Robert in which he specifies the final decision thus creating a large impact at Edna's life. As a result, Edna realizes that she is trapped between her and society expectations. After that she acknowledges the fact that the only people who influenced and supported in her life were her boys Raoul and Etienne. In addition to this, she asserts the claim that she made prior to Adèle that she is willing to sacrifice her life for her boys, but not herself. Finally, at the end she decides to make suicide because in that way she believes that will save the life of her boys.The end of The Awakening is portrayed with significant moment when  Edna release herself to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Awakening- Part II

In this part we can highlight the part where the Edna experiences despair , and the visits that she makes to her friends in Grand Isle, particularly the Mademoiselle Reisz. After many consultations with her friends, she takes the decision to move somewhere else in order to be free from anything.  Apparently, she understands that Robert moved back to the New Orleans. She tended to create new contact with , but it resulted unsuccessful. She tried to convince Robert to return home, and once again shows her love to him.  Therefore, the situation becomes worse, and Edna falls in deeper anxiety. Later on, she decide to return home after the call from Alcee. Nevertheless, Edna is aware by the fact that she will face the life with full of regret and despair prior to the problems that she has with Robert. 

Kate Chopin - The Awakening ( Part I )

The introductory part elaborates the family of Pontellier's, and describes different characteristics of each member. In particular, a father who is doctor, the protagonist mother who does not work, and their two sons. The story begins when they are on vacation with many of Mr.Pontellier’s relatives and associates. In the beginning,  the Pontellier's were family like the others, except their little internal problems. For instance, Edna Pontellier in essence is engaging and handsome. Moreover, she tells about her childhood in Kentucky and her sisters weeding which was upcoming.Many times she was confused in the way that how people acted around her. Her marriage is described simply as an accident, that she just ended up getting married. She was much younger than her husband who was in his forties. During her  stay at the cottage with the other families, she makes new friends, one of which is also the son of mrs. Lebrun, Robert. On the other hand, Robert has chosen one woman for every upcoming summer to whom he devotes himself as an attendant.. Yet, although Robert devotes himself to a different woman every summer, his playful attentions to Edna differ from his treatments of past women. From this perspective, Robert is viewed as quite flirty person which slightly affects the relationship with Edna.

Monday, April 4, 2011

"Invisible Cities- Trading Cities 3"

Trading Cities is the story which tells about the city of Eutropia, the capital of a specific territory. The traveler sees Eutropia in different ways,essentially its size which is partially unequal. Additionally, It appears like a rolling plateau. The city consists of several cities that are waiting to be discovered by other inhabitants, therefore to start a new life there. However, the idea behind the story is that it reflects the rotation effect by which people are used with , but are not aware in general. Furthermore, the rotation effect in a way indicates the habits of people ,and how they change places continually. Another variant of rotation effect is partly illustrating the life cycle , where Calvino succeeded to generalize it as ongoing process.